Data Research Analysis Machine

The OSCAR DREAM is an extension of the OSCAR project. The activities in the DREAM project are approved and financially supported by the Innovation Fund Denmark.

The DREAM project continues to make efforts aimed towards realizing the potential in Danish health data. It wishes to do so by developing and testing solutions that have the potential to provide access to data from all electronic health record systems (EHR) in Denmark, enriching them with registry data and providing access in an anonymized form.

The DREAM project has the following specific aims:

Ensure that data from all EHR systems in use in Denmark can be used for clinical research nationally and internationally by mapping EHR data to FHIR and OMOP standards within the field of oncology. 

  1. Develop an IT solution to support the mapping of EHR data, which can be integrated with EHR systems in Denmark.
  1. Develop a solution for the anonymization of EHR data and test it on a use case where data collected prospectively from patients receiving standard of care in phase 3 trials is substituted for retrospective EHR data from patients who have recently received standard of care, thus reducing the cost and increasing the speed of phase 3 trials.
  1. Expand the OSCAR Platform and preparing it for the accessing of EHR data from Danish regions combined with data from the Danish Health Data Authority and Statistics Denmark.
  1. Develop a model for shared services for clinical research that will enable researchers and clinicians to increase the speed with which clinical research is conducted whereby new insights can be integrated into clinical practice.
  1. Commercialize the technology for anonymization and external control arm services as a part of the service offering in the OSCAR project.
  1. Create a consortia of project partners aimed at commercializing the solutions developed in the OSCAR DREAM and the OSCAR projects internationally.
  1. Align project aims with the Ministry of Health and the Health Data Authority to ensure that analytical services tested in the project are aligned with the priorities in the future national Health Data Analysis Platform and the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

OSCAR DREAM Project Partners

DataFair ApS: Overall project management, identifying the clinical use case in collaboration with the researchers from the regions as well as members of the Private consortia. Developing and implementing the communication plan. Commercializing data-based services through the One Stop Shop and an overall responsibility for building the consortia and commercializing the joint solution in - as well as outside of Denmark.

Partisia Applications ApS: Develop Confidential Computing and integrate with Journl Streamed. Deploy OSCAR Platform in Region N. Develop, integrate, and test ananonymization tool in collaboration with Enversion.

Enversion A/S: Develop tools for the automated mapping of Electronic Health Records data to OMOP as well as integrate Journl Streamed with Confidential Computing. Provide input that enables Enverison to develop functionality in Journl Streamed that enables access to Electronic Health Record (EHR) data. Deploy the OSCAR Platform to be used in testing the use cases. Develop, integrate, and test an anonymization tool in collaboration with Partisia.

Rigshospitalet / Copenhagen University Hospital: Project administrator. Map Region H data against OMOP, coordinate OMOP mapping with Region N, the National Genome Center and Genomisk Medicin. Participate in tests of the clinical use cases and develop a model for ‘Shared Services for Clinical Research and partake in coordination with other OMOP projects (Oncovalue)

Center for Clinical Data Science, Region Nord: Map EHR data against OMOP. Co-develop automated OMOP mapping tool with Enversion and provide input to Enverison in order to develop functionality in Journl Streamed that enables access to Electronic Health Record (EHR) data and test use cases on OSCAR Platform on Region N infrastructure.

Organizations which are not partners, but have a defined role, insupporting and providing valuable insights and knowledge to the OSCAR DREAM Project:

Dataenheden i Center for Økonomi, Region Hovedstaden (Region H): Contribute through CUH. Support to CUH for OMOP mapping and coordinate with other OMOP mapping projects including the Oncovalue project.

National Genome Center (NGC): Map data from Genomisk Medicin towards OMOP standard as supplier to Region H.

Genomisk Medicin (GM): Provide Whole Genome Sequencing and develop a prototype for a national variant database in collaboration with CUH and NGC and supplier to Region H.


The OSCAR DREAM project is approved and financially supported by the Innovation Fund Denmark.

Project start: 1 June 2024

Project end: 30 June 2027

Total budget: 26,2 mio. DKK

Investment Innovation Fund Denmark: 17,6 mio. DKK  


Project manager: Troels Bierman Mortensen, tbm@datafair.org, +45 31 55 10 15